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Spring Break Safety Tips for Families

Spring Break Safety Tips for Families

Keeping Your Family Safe This Spring Break

For families who have been looking forward to their spring vacations all year, the excitement and anticipation may cause safety concerns to be overlooked. However, just because spring break is ideal for fun with family and friends, doesn’t mean that people are immune from various hazards. No matter how you’re choosing to spend this time, here are some safety tips to keep in mind.

Road Trips

Road trips, or even just general travel, are common for many families during spring break. As a popular choice, these often come with higher traffic volumes, which may increase the risk of a motor vehicle accident. As such, here are some things to remember:

  • Plan your routes with higher traffic in mind so you can avoid rushing to make your reservations or check-ins on time.
  • In more densely populated areas, watch for pedestrians or bikers that may be closer to the road.
  • If driving somewhere you’re unfamiliar with, check local traffic laws and have a designated navigator in the car who is not the driver (so they can keep their attention on the road).
  • Drunk drivers are often more frequent during spring break, so be aware of the warning signs that one may be on the road (rapidly changing lanes/speeds, swerving, and sporadic braking) and keep a safe distance away.

Water Safety

Whether you’re planning to spend some time in the Gulf or heading out by the pool, all families should teach their children about water safety. This includes safety hazards (like running near the poolside, signs of drowning), the importance of wearing a life jacket, and how to behave when on a boat.

Adults should also keep in mind that prolonged sun exposure and consuming alcohol may make them more susceptible to drowning risk. As a general rule, avoid going into water (including hot tubs) when you’ve been drinking or if feeling fatigued.

Being Aware of Your Surroundings

In big tourist areas like downtown New Orleans where people like to frequent for spring break, it’s important to be aware of your surroundings. Criminals will often take advantage of tourists who do not know the areas and use this as a means to commit petty theft or other more serious crimes. This also goes hand in hand with avoiding sharing too much information about your vacation, including details about where you’re staying and where you’re from.

New Orleans Personal Injury Attorneys

The team at The Chopin Law Firm LLC is dedicated to providing exceptional service should your spring break have resulted in unforeseen injury. When another individual negligently causes you or a loved one harm, know that you may be eligible to pursue compensation. Schedule a free consultation with a member of our team today by calling (504) 475-2429.

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